I kinda like the overall appearance of this blog. I do like blue! The right panel is an enigma. On my desktop PC it looks gray. On my laptop it looks powder blue. I suppose I could take a reading from a color palette using a graphics program to get a numeric value to see where it actually falls in the spectrum. Or not. Chances are, the design will be tinkered with from time to time. The real challenge is going to be content. Something relevant and topical (is there a difference?) to oil and gas. Like, how about those gas prices? Which most people take to mean at the pump when they fill up their car. In my line of work, it means natural gas, such as $5.43/Mcf, where Mcf stands for thousand cubic feet. Technically speaking, that would be at natural pressure, and sea level. I think there’s a certain temperature, too, which I forget. A thousand cubic feet sounds like a lot, but it’s just the contents of a 10 x 10 x 10 foot cube. One of these times I’ll try to remember to figure up how many cubic feet of oil there are in a barrel. Can you believe in 28 years of law practice I never needed to know that? I can tell you this, though: a cubic foot of oil on the ground looks like a LOT!